The Greek school of bristol - Hellenic school | The Greek Orthodox Community of Bristol
Letter For Allergies
Dear Parent/Carer,
Food allergies are becoming increasingly common among children, and we have been made aware year that there are student/s in our school who have allergy to nuts and any exposure to these items, even a tiny amount, could be potentially very serious and life threatening for these children.
We do ask our students and families to help make the school environment safer for all students, by following these simple suggestions:
Please avoid sending any foods that contain nuts, such as peanut butter or Nutella sandwiches, muesli or health bars with nuts, to school with your child.
Please always let the Classroom Teacher if you are sending any food for sharing with the class for special celebrations like birthdays & Name Days.
Please remind your child never to share his/her food and drinks with other students.
Please wash your child’s face and hands thoroughly before they leave home, especially if your child has eaten nuts/allergens (list) prior to coming to school.
Please remind your child often to wash their hands before and after eating.
We greatly appreciate your support for children with food allergies. Together we can make a difference.
Thank you for helping to support our school community.