The Greek school of bristol - Hellenic school | The Greek Orthodox Community of Bristol
Sick child Policy and Procedure
To ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare of children, parents and staff at the school, it is important that children are well enough to enjoy their time with us.
If you have any concerns about your child’s health, you can speak to one of the staff, your Health Visitor or your General Practitioner (GP).
Children should be kept at home if they have any infection or have been in contact/suffered with any communicable disease. The school should be informed as to the nature of the infection so that the school can alert other parents if necessary and make careful observation of any children that seem unwell. This will be done with sensitivity and confidentiality.
The school has a duty of care to all its children and if there are a high number of children all with similar cases of illness it may be necessary to inform Environmental Health.
Parents/Carers shall not bring into the school any child who has been vomiting or had diarrhoea until at least 24 hours has elapsed since the last attack. If a child tells a member of the school staff that he/she has been ill recently the parents will be contacted to come and collect the child.
If children of the school staff are unwell, the children will not accompany their parent/carer to work in the school.
Cuts or open sores, whether on adults or children, will be covered with sticking plaster or another suitable sterile dressing.
Minor accidents will be treated with basic first aid, as required.
In the case of an accident requiring more than basic first aid, every attempt will be made to contact the parent/carer and to advise and discuss further action.
Accidents/emergencies should be recorded by staff and shown to and signed by the parent/carer.
The school will ensure that the first aid equipment is kept clean, replenished and replace as necessary. Sterile items will be kept sealed in their packages until needed.