The Greek school of bristol - Hellenic school | The Greek Orthodox Community of Bristol
Threatening behaviour policy and procedure
Assess how safe is to release the child/ren to the parent/carer
If you feel uncomfortable or is not safe to do so make sure the child is safe in the school and call the POLICE
DO NOT allow the individual to take the child
Any abusive or threatening behaviour from a parent will result in the parent being asked to leave and the committee informed. A decision will be made in conjunction with the staff concerned about the course of action to be taken but parents should be aware that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated and could result in the child having their place withdrawn. In certain circumstances the police could be informed and the School Committee.
Staff must take responsibility for their own safety.
Do not approach anyone if you feel uncomfortable.
If approaching someone with such behaviour, always have someone with you.
Always be aware of your position in the building and your means of escape.
Make sure someone knows where you are and how long you will be if in a likely explosive situation.
Never go anywhere else with someone if you feel uncomfortable or are aware of known risks.
If an incident does happen it must be reported to the Head Teacher and School Committee, recorded in the incident book. In very serious cases the police will be informed.